Want high staff retention rates and productive teams? The best way to value and look after your team is to ensure they keep looking forward to their work by offering well-being incentives on site. 

Workshops for lifestyle and nutrition, meditation, massage and reiki for relaxation, stress reduction and enhanced team building skills as well as productivity.

Improve focus and concentration at work

Relieve daily seated position aches and pains, protect the team from getting RSI (repetitive strain injury) and improve their focus and concentration. Just show them they are appreciated and the staff turnover will remain low and the staff productivity will increase. Try our stress management workshop - a good way to show your team how to manage their daily lives in and out of work, through yoga, massage and conscious awareness.

Value-added benefit for your employees

Sitting in the same position day in day out can have serious long term effects to damaging the body and your teams’ performance at work. Take action now and look after your employees. Let them know that they are appreciated and watch the team productivity increase due to you taking care of them. As desk bound jobs do not really entail physical movement it’s a good way to energise and uplift staff, whether it’s through yoga, meditation, massage, reiki or lifestyle and nutrition – all these therapies have breathing exercises infused in the workshop to increase oxygen intake, leading to the mind being clearer and therefore thinking better. The body will be re-energised and feeling rejuvenated so you benefit productively from a calm and focused team, with a sense of togetherness by building the team spirit.

Physical and psychological benefits for your employees

With Yoga we can release the tensions and stiffness in the neck, back and shoulders and increase blood flow to the legs. With Reiki we can release mental and emotional tensions, therefore reducing stress and creating a calmer work force and a better team to work with. With the massage we can instantly relieve tension in the neck, back and shoulders. All of these treatments will definitely have an instant effect on your team. Go ahead and motivate your team, let them see the benefits for working within your organisation. Enhance memory and concentration, reduce the stress and make them feel valued. Allow them to love working for you.T: 07502 395 822

E: dipa,